sg_09th-feb-2025_hybrid and agile model.rar |
844.67 kB |
2025-02-09 |
SG_09th-FEB-2025_Hybrid and Agile model |
sg_08th-feb-2025_v & v model.rar |
343.90 kB |
2025-02-08 |
SG_08th-FEB-2025_V & V Model |
sg_07th-feb-2025_spiral and prototype model.rar |
936.02 kB |
2025-02-07 |
SG_07th-FEB-2025_Spiral and Prototype Model |
sg_06th-feb-2025_introduction and water fall model.rar |
325.59 kB |
2025-02-06 |
SG_06th-FEB-2025_Introduction and Water fall model |
sg_04th-feb-2025_views_rownum_rowid and inline query.rar |
3.38 kB |
2025-02-04 |
SG_04th-FEB-2025_VIEWS_RowNum_RowId and Inline query |
sg_03rd-feb-2025_set operators and joins.rar |
11.06 kB |
2025-02-03 |
SG_03rd-FEB-2025_SET Operators and JOINS |
sg_02nd-feb-2025_corelated query and set operators.rar |
2.79 kB |
2025-02-02 |
SG_02nd-FEB-2025_Corelated Query and SET Operators |
sg_01st-feb-2025_aggregate_group by_having_sub query.rar |
10.40 kB |
2025-02-01 |
SG_01st-FEB-2025_Aggregate_Group By_Having_Sub Query |
sg_31st-jan-2025_viewing table records_computation on table data.rar |
2.57 kB |
2025-01-31 |
SG_31st-JAN-2025_Viewing table records_Computation on table data |
sg_30th-jan-2025_constraints.rar |
2.59 kB |
2025-01-30 |
SG_30th-JAN-2025_Constraints |
sg_29th-jan-2025_sqlstatements.rar |
858.00 B |
2025-01-29 |
SG_29th-JAN-2025_SQLStatements |
sg_28th-jan-2025_conversion_datatypes_sqlstatements.rar |
3.90 kB |
2025-01-28 |
SG_28th-JAN-2025_Conversion_Datatypes_SQLStatements |
sg_29th-nov-2024_jenkins ci-cd.rar |
1.84 kB |
2024-11-29 |
SG_29th-NOV-2024_Jenkins CI-CD |
sg_28th-nov-2024_first framework draft.rar |
18.80 kB |
2024-11-28 |
SG_28th-NOV-2024_First Framework Draft |
sg_27th-nov-2024_first framework draft.rar |
15.16 kB |
2024-11-27 |
SG_27th-NOV-2024_First Framework Draft |
sg_26th-nov-2024_first framework draft.rar |
12.34 kB |
2024-11-26 |
SG_26th-NOV-2024_First Framework Draft |
sg_25th-nov-2024_first framework draft.rar |
8.32 kB |
2024-11-25 |
SG_25th-NOV-2024_First Framework Draft |
sg_23rd-nov-2024_first framework draft.rar |
7.92 kB |
2024-11-23 |
SG_23rd-NOV-2024_First Framework Draft |
sg_22nd-nov-2024_seleniumwaits_javascript.rar |
8.51 kB |
2024-11-22 |
SG_22nd-NOV-2024_SeleniumWaits_JavaScript |
sg_21st-nov-2024_pagefactory_actionsclass_seleniumexceptions_profiles.rar |
12.98 kB |
2024-11-21 |
SG_21st-NOV-2024_PageFactory_ActionsClass_SeleniumExceptions_Profiles |
sg_20th-nov-2024_page object model.rar |
5.93 kB |
2024-11-20 |
SG_20th-NOV-2024_Page Object Model |
sg_19th-nov-2024_testng_scripting6.rar |
16.05 kB |
2024-11-19 |
SG_19th-NOV-2024_TestNG_Scripting6 |
sg_18th-nov-2024_testng.rar |
6.86 kB |
2024-11-18 |
SG_18th-NOV-2024_TestNG |
sg_16th-nov-2024_testng.rar |
2.92 kB |
2024-11-16 |
SG_16th-NOV-2024_TestNG |
sg_15th-nov-2024_scripting6_reflection.rar |
30.65 kB |
2024-11-15 |
SG_15th-NOV-2024_Scripting6_Reflection |
sg_14th-nov-2024_scripting5_reflection.rar |
14.73 kB |
2024-11-14 |
SG_14th-NOV-2024_Scripting5_Reflection |
sg_12th-nov-2024_scripting3 and scripting4.rar |
18.69 kB |
2024-11-12 |
SG_12th-NOV-2024_Scripting3 and Scripting4 |
sg_11th-nov-2024_scripting1_2_3.rar |
6.46 kB |
2024-11-11 |
SG_11th-NOV-2024_Scripting1_2_3 |
sg_09th-nov-2024_validations.rar |
6.28 kB |
2024-11-09 |
SG_09th-NOV-2024_Validations |
sg_08th-nov-2024_validations.rar |
5.61 kB |
2024-11-08 |
SG_08th-NOV-2024_Validations |
sg_07th-nov-2024_window components_scripting1_validations.rar |
3.51 kB |
2024-11-07 |
SG_07th-NOV-2024_Window Components_Scripting1_Validations |
sg_06th-nov-2024_window components.rar |
3.51 kB |
2024-11-06 |
SG_06th-NOV-2024_Window Components |
sg_05th-nov-2024_handling alert, child window, frames and window components.rar |
9.81 kB |
2024-11-05 |
SG_05th-NOV-2024_Handling Alert, Child window, Frames and window Components |
sg_04th-nov-2024_locators.rar |
8.12 kB |
2024-11-04 |
SG_04th-NOV-2024_Locators |
sg_02nd-nov-2024_locators.rar |
1.54 kB |
2024-11-02 |
SG_02nd-NOV-2024_Locators |
sg_01st-nov-2024_htmlstyle_locators.rar |
8.83 kB |
2024-11-01 |
SG_01st-NOV-2024_HTMLStyle_Locators |
sg_31st-oct-2024_html.rar |
5.76 kB |
2024-10-31 |
SG_31st-OCT-2024_HTML |
sg_30th-oct-2024_selenium setup_html.rar |
3.38 kB |
2024-10-30 |
SG_30th-OCT-2024_Selenium Setup_HTML |
sg_29th-oct-2024_selenium webdriver.rar |
262.21 kB |
2024-10-29 |
SG_29th-OCT-2024_Selenium Webdriver |
sg_28th-oct-2024_jdbc_poi.rar |
3.60 kB |
2024-10-28 |
SG_28th-OCT-2024_JDBC_POI |
sg_26th-oct-2024_poi.rar |
3.43 kB |
2024-10-26 |
SG_26th-OCT-2024_POI |
sg_25th-oct-2024_datetime_thread_regexp and poi.rar |
13.42 kB |
2024-10-25 |
SG_25th-OCT-2024_DateTime_Thread_RegExp and POI |
sg_24th-oct-2024_prop file_access modifier_datetime_singleton_stringtokinizer.rar |
5.94 kB |
2024-10-24 |
SG_24th-OCT-2024_Prop File_Access Modifier_DateTime_SingleTon_StringTokinizer |
sg_23rd-oct-2024_map interfaces, legacy classes and prop file.rar |
3.87 kB |
2024-10-23 |
SG_23rd-OCT-2024_Map Interfaces, Legacy classes and Prop file |
sg_22nd-oct-2024_list, queue, set and map interfaces.rar |
5.94 kB |
2024-10-22 |
SG_22nd-OCT-2024_List, Queue, Set and Map Interfaces |
sg_21st-oct-2024_string classes and arraylist.rar |
5.69 kB |
2024-10-21 |
SG_21st-OCT-2024_String Classes and ArrayList |
sg_11th-oct-2024_inheritance at abstract class level.rar |
1.69 kB |
2024-10-11 |
SG_11th-OCT-2024_Inheritance at abstract class level |
sg_10th-oct-2024_inheritance at class level.rar |
4.60 kB |
2024-10-10 |
SG_10th-OCT-2024_Inheritance at class level |
sg_09th-oct-2024_this keyword_nestedclass_inheritance at class level.rar |
4.67 kB |
2024-10-09 |
SG_09th-OCT-2024_This Keyword_NestedClass_Inheritance at class Level |
sg_08th-oct-2024_methods and debug in eclipse.rar |
3.41 kB |
2024-10-08 |
SG_08th-OCT-2024_Methods and Debug In Eclipse |
sg_07th-oct-2024_class memebrs.rar |
5.64 kB |
2024-10-07 |
SG_07th-OCT-2024_Class Memebrs |
sg_05th-oct-2024_class memebrs - instance methods.rar |
3.20 kB |
2024-10-05 |
SG_05th-OCT-2024_Class Memebrs - Instance methods |
sg_04th-oct-2024_class memebrs - instance members.rar |
5.22 kB |
2024-10-04 |
SG_04th-OCT-2024_Class Memebrs - Instance Members |
sg_03rd-oct-2024_class in java.rar |
1.85 kB |
2024-10-03 |
SG_03rd-OCT-2024_Class In Java |
sg_02nd-oct-2024_break, continue and array.rar |
3.23 kB |
2024-10-02 |
SG_02nd-OCT-2024_Break, Continue and Array |
sg_01st-oct-2024_while and do while loops.rar |
4.32 kB |
2024-10-01 |
SG_01st-OCT-2024_While and Do While loops |
sg_30th-sept-2024_for and for each loop.rar |
3.95 kB |
2024-09-30 |
SG_30th-SEPT-2024_For and For each loop |
sg_28th-sept-2024_switch statement_difference between if and switch.rar |
2.87 kB |
2024-09-28 |
SG_28th-SEPT-2024_Switch statement_Difference between if and switch |
sg_27th-sept-2024_samplecodeexplanation.rar |
0.99 kB |
2024-09-27 |
SG_27th-SEPT-2024_SampleCodeExplanation |
sg_17th-sept-2024_exportedtestcases_whiteboxtesting.rar |
5.22 kB |
2024-09-17 |
SG_17th-SEPT-2024_ExportedTestCases_WhiteBoxTesting |
sg_30th-aug-2024_integration testing.rar |
1.06 kB |
2024-08-30 |
SG_30th-AUG-2024_Integration Testing |
sg_29th-aug-2024_functional testing.rar |
1.67 kB |
2024-08-29 |
SG_29th-AUG-2024_Functional Testing |
sg_27th-aug-2024_hybrid model_agile scrum methodology.rar |
844.62 kB |
2024-08-27 |
SG_27th-AUG-2024_Hybrid Model_Agile Scrum Methodology.rar |
sg_26th-aug-2024_v&v classnotes.rar |
816.00 B |
2024-08-26 |
SG_26th-AUG-2024_V&V ClassNotes |
sg_24th-aug-2024_v&v model.rar |
343.89 kB |
2024-08-24 |
SG_24th-AUG-2024_V&V model |
sg_15th-aug-2024_rownum, rowid & inline query.rar |
1.59 kB |
2024-08-15 |
SG_15th-AUG-2024_RowNum, RowID & Inline query |
sg_14th-aug-2024_joins and views.rar |
2.02 kB |
2024-08-14 |
SG_14th-AUG-2024_JOINS and VIEWS |
sg_10th-aug-2024_set operators and joins.rar |
1.96 kB |
2024-08-10 |
SG_10th-AUG-2024_SET Operators And JOINS |
sg_09th-aug-2024_sub query_tablealias_corelated query.rar |
1.39 kB |
2024-08-09 |
SG_09th-AUG-2024_Sub query_TableAlias_Corelated query |
sg_08th-aug-2024_sql aggregate_group by_having_sub query.rar |
2.18 kB |
2024-08-08 |
SG_08th-AUG-2024_SQL Aggregate_Group By_Having_Sub query |
sg_07th-aug-2024_sql constraints.rar |
3.20 kB |
2024-08-07 |
SG_07th-AUG-2024_SQL constraints |
sg_06th-aug-2024_sql constraints.rar |
2.66 kB |
2024-08-06 |
SG_06th-AUG-2024_SQL constraints |
sg_02nd-aug-2024_sql statements_viewing the data.rar |
9.48 kB |
2024-08-02 |
SG_02nd-AUG-2024_SQL Statements_Viewing the data |
sg_19th-july-2024_final bdd framework.rar |
16.89 kB |
2024-07-19 |
SG_19th-JULY-2024_Final BDD framework |
sg_18th-july-2024_first draft of bdd framework.rar |
12.99 kB |
2024-07-18 |
SG_18th-JULY-2024_First Draft of BDD framework |
sg_17th-july-2024_version control tool github & jenkins.rar |
4.33 kB |
2024-07-17 |
SG_17th-JULY-2024_Version Control tool gitHub & Jenkins |
sg_16th-july-2024_version control tool github_final framework.rar |
30.04 kB |
2024-07-16 |
SG_16th-JULY-2024_Version Control tool gitHub_Final Framework |
sg_15th-july-2024_final hybrid framework.rar |
6.97 MB |
2024-07-15 |
SG_15th-JULY-2024_Final Hybrid framework |
sg_14th-july-2024_second draft of framework.rar |
19.88 kB |
2024-07-14 |
SG_14th-JULY-2024_Second draft of framework |
sg_13th-july-2024_first draft of framework.rar |
10.10 kB |
2024-07-13 |
SG_13th-JULY-2024_First draft of framework |
sg_12th-july-2024_actions.rar |
3.87 kB |
2024-07-12 |
SG_12th-JULY-2024_Actions |
sg_11th-july-2024_pom and page factory.rar |
7.52 kB |
2024-07-11 |
SG_11th-JULY-2024_POM and Page Factory |
sg_10th-july-2024_testng_javascript.rar |
6.07 kB |
2024-07-10 |
SG_10th-JULY-2024_TestNG_Javascript |
sg_09th-july-2024_testng_selenium waits and exceptions_browserprofles.rar |
9.83 kB |
2024-07-09 |
SG_09th-JULY-2024_TestNG_Selenium Waits and Exceptions_BrowserProfles |
sg_08th-july-2024_testng.rar |
5.56 kB |
2024-07-08 |
SG_08th-JULY-2024_TestNG |
sg_06th-july-2024_scripting5 with relection and testng.rar |
36.29 kB |
2024-07-06 |
SG_06th-JULY-2024_Scripting5 with Relection and TestNG |
sg_05th-july-2024_scripting5 with relection.rar |
23.32 kB |
2024-07-05 |
SG_05th-JULY-2024_Scripting5 with Relection |
sg_04th-july-2024_scripting4 with excel and prop file.rar |
16.38 kB |
2024-07-04 |
SG_04th-JULY-2024_Scripting4 with Excel and Prop File |
sg_03rd-july-2024_validations.rar |
4.40 kB |
2024-07-03 |
SG_03rd-JULY-2024_Validations |
sg_02nd-july-2024_validations.rar |
4.42 kB |
2024-07-02 |
SG_02nd-JULY-2024_Validations |
sg_01st-july-2024_scripting3 and validations.rar |
5.75 kB |
2024-07-01 |
SG_01st-JULY-2024_Scripting3 and Validations |
sg_30th-june-2024_scripting1 and 2.rar |
4.08 kB |
2024-06-30 |
SG_30th-JUNE-2024_Scripting1 and 2 |
sg_29th-june-2024_autoit_sikuli_robot class.rar |
6.77 kB |
2024-06-29 |
sg_28th-june-2024_childwindow_window components.rar |
7.21 kB |
2024-06-28 |
SG_28th-JUNE-2024_ChildWindow_Window Components |
sg_27th-june-2024_locators.rar |
2.20 kB |
2024-06-27 |
SG_27th-JUNE-2024_Locators |
xpath_xpathaxes_20_june_2024_morningbatch.rar |
3.43 kB |
2024-06-20 |
Xpath and Xpath Axes Morning Batch |
sg_19th-june-2024_locators.rar |
6.69 kB |
2024-06-19 |
SG_19th-JUNE-2024_Locators |
sg_18th-june-2024_html.rar |
6.35 kB |
2024-06-18 |
SG_18th-JUNE-2024_HTML |
sg_17th-june-2024_sample test case automation.rar |
3.02 kB |
2024-06-17 |
SG_17th-JUNE-2024_Sample test case automation |
sg_15th-june-2024_thread and selenium webdriver.rar |
264.42 kB |
2024-06-15 |
SG_15th-JUNE-2024_Thread and Selenium Webdriver |
sg_14th-june-2024_poi and jdbc.rar |
3.29 kB |
2024-06-14 |
SG_14th-JUNE-2024_POI and JDBC |
sg_13th-june-2024_legacy collection classes and poi.rar |
5.19 kB |
2024-06-13 |
SG_13th-JUNE-2024_Legacy Collection classes and POI |
sg_12th-june-2024_singleton_regularexpression_datetime_streamtokenizer and stringtokenizer.rar |
12.53 kB |
2024-06-12 |
SG_12th-JUNE-2024_SingleTon_RegularExpression_DateTime_StreamTokenizer and StringTokenizer |
sg_11th-june-2024_map interface and properties file.rar |
6.97 kB |
2024-06-11 |
SG_11th-JUNE-2024_Map Interface And Properties file |
sg_10th-june-2024_list & set interface.rar |
1.63 MB |
2024-06-10 |
SG_10th-JUNE-2024_List & Set Interface |
sg_06th-june-2024_string classes_arraylist class.rar |
6.42 kB |
2024-06-06 |
SG_06th-JUNE-2024_String classes_ArrayList class |
sg_05th-june-2024_serialization & deserialization_string class.rar |
5.35 kB |
2024-06-05 |
SG_05th-JUNE-2024_Serialization & Deserialization_String class |
sg_04th-june-2024_file system.rar |
6.63 kB |
2024-06-04 |
SG_04th-JUNE-2024_File System |
sg_02nd-june-2024_file system.rar |
3.37 kB |
2024-06-03 |
SG_02nd-JUNE-2024_File System |
sg_01st-june-2024_exception handling.rar |
56.61 kB |
2024-06-01 |
SG_01st-JUNE-2024_Exception Handling |
sg_31st-may-2024_oops.rar |
5.06 kB |
2024-05-31 |
SG_31st-MAY-2024_OOPS |
sg_30th-may-2024_inheritance at abstract and interface level.rar |
5.07 kB |
2024-05-30 |
SG_30th-MAY-2024_inheritance at abstract and interface level |
sg_29th-may-2024_superkeyword_inheritance.rar |
7.49 kB |
2024-05-29 |
SG_29th-MAY-2024_SuperKeyword_Inheritance |
sg_28th-may-2024_debugging_nestedclass_thiskeyword_inheritance.rar |
7.68 kB |
2024-05-28 |
SG_28th-MAY-2024_Debugging_NestedClass_ThisKeyword_Inheritance |
sg_27th-may-2024_class members.rar |
3.61 kB |
2024-05-27 |
SG_27th-MAY-2024_Class Members |
sg_25th-may-2024_constructor and instance methods.rar |
3.91 kB |
2024-05-25 |
SG_25th-MAY-2024_Constructor and instance Methods |
sg_23rd-may-2024_class and class members.rar |
4.75 kB |
2024-05-23 |
SG_23rd-MAY-2024_class and class members |
sg_22nd-may-2024_class and class members.rar |
2.12 kB |
2024-05-22 |
SG_22nd-MAY-2024_class and class members |
sg_21st-may-2024_array in java and switcch statement.rar |
6.76 kB |
2024-05-21 |
SG_21st-MAY-2024_Array In Java and Switcch statement |
sg_20th-may-2024_conditional and looping statements.rar |
4.38 kB |
2024-05-20 |
SG_20th-MAY-2024_Conditional and Looping statements |
sg_17th-may-2024_looping statements.rar |
4.08 kB |
2024-05-17 |
SG_17th-MAY-2024_Looping statements |
sg_16th-may-2024_conditional statements.rar |
1.65 kB |
2024-05-16 |
SG_16th-MAY-2024_conditional statements |
sg_03rd-may-2024_stlc, rtm & white box testing.rar |
90.49 kB |
2024-05-03 |
SG_03rd-MAY-2024_STLC, RTM & White box testing |
sg_30th-apr-2024_defects in software.rar |
79.77 kB |
2024-04-30 |
SG_30th-APR-2024_Defects in Software |
sg_29th-apr-2024_test cases_testlink.rar |
2.10 kB |
2024-04-29 |
SG_29th-APR-2024_Test Cases_TestLink |
sg_26th-apr-2024_test cases.rar |
25.06 kB |
2024-04-26 |
SG_26th-APR-2024_Test Cases |
sg_25th-apr-2024_test plan.rar |
21.30 kB |
2024-04-25 |
SG_25th-APR-2024_Test Plan |
sg_24th-apr-2024_failover_security and penitration testing.rar |
30.83 kB |
2024-04-24 |
SG_24th-APR-2024_FailOver_Security and Penitration Testing |
sg_22nd-apr-2024_globalization_usability_recovery_reliability_accessability testing.rar |
5.07 kB |
2024-04-22 |
SG_22nd-APR-2024_Globalization_Usability_Recovery_Reliability_Accessability Testing |
sg_19th-apr-2024_performance testing.rar |
1.41 kB |
2024-04-19 |
SG_19th-APR-2024_Performance Testing |
sg_17th-apr-2024_exploratory_sanity and link testing.rar |
18.65 kB |
2024-04-17 |
SG_17th-APR-2024_Exploratory_Sanity and Link Testing |
sg_16th-apr-2024_retesting, uat and compatability testing.rar |
3.58 kB |
2024-04-16 |
SG_16th-APR-2024_Retesting, UAT and Compatability Testing |
sg_15th-apr-2024_adhoc and regression testing.rar |
1.98 kB |
2024-04-15 |
SG_15th-APR-2024_Adhoc and Regression Testing |
sg_13th-apr-2024_smoke testing.rar |
11.05 kB |
2024-04-13 |
SG_13th-APR-2024_Smoke Testing |
sg_12th-apr-2024_functional & integration testing.rar |
2.67 kB |
2024-04-12 |
SG_12th-APR-2024_Functional & Integration Testing |
sg_5th-apr-2024_hybrid and agile model.rar |
844.60 kB |
2024-04-05 |
SG_5th-APR-2024_Hybrid and Agile Model |
sg_20th-march-2024_ci cd & framework notes.rar |
4.47 kB |
2024-03-20 |
SG_20th-MARCH-2024_CI CD & Framework notes |
sg_19th-march-2024_working with github version control tool.rar |
2.42 kB |
2024-03-19 |
SG_19th-MARCH-2024_Working with gitHub version control tool |
sg_18th-march-2024_final framework draft.rar |
19.04 kB |
2024-03-18 |
SG_18th-MARCH-2024_Final Framework Draft |
sg_16th-mar-2024_initial framework draft.rar |
18.71 kB |
2024-03-16 |
SG_16th-MAR-2024_Initial Framework Draft |
sg_15th-mar-2024_initial framework draft.rar |
13.46 kB |
2024-03-15 |
SG_15th-MAR-2024_Initial Framework Draft |
sg_14th-mar-2024_initial framework draft.rar |
10.58 kB |
2024-03-14 |
SG_14th-MAR-2024_Initial Framework Draft |
sg_13th-mar-2024_initial framework draft.rar |
8.66 kB |
2024-03-13 |
SG_13th-MAR-2024_Initial Framework Draft |
sg_12th-mar-2024_pom notes_maven notes_framework draft.rar |
8.45 kB |
2024-03-12 |
SG_12th-MAR-2024_POM Notes_Maven Notes_Framework Draft |
sg_11th-mar-2024_page object model & page factory.rar |
5.15 kB |
2024-03-11 |
SG_11th-MAR-2024_Page Object Model & Page Factory |
sg_09th-mar-2024_build tool maven.rar |
1.07 kB |
2024-03-09 |
SG_09th-MAR-2024_Build tool maven |
sg_07th-mar-2024_javascript.rar |
7.16 kB |
2024-03-07 |
SG_07th-MAR-2024_Javascript |
sg_06th-mar-2024_waits in selenium_selenium exceptions_actions_browserprofiles.rar |
9.05 kB |
2024-03-06 |
SG_06th-MAR-2024_Waits In Selenium_Selenium Exceptions_Actions_BrowserProfiles |
sg_05th-mar-2024_validations & waits in selenium.rar |
4.37 kB |
2024-03-05 |
SG_05th-MAR-2024_Validations & Waits In Selenium |
sg_02nd-mar-2024_validations in selenium.rar |
2.97 kB |
2024-03-02 |
SG_02nd-MAR-2024_Validations in selenium |
sg_01st-mar-2024_validations in selenium.rar |
5.03 kB |
2024-03-01 |
SG_01st-MAR-2024_Validations in selenium |
sg_29th-feb-2024_testng.rar |
6.11 kB |
2024-02-29 |
SG_29th-FEB-2024_testNG |
sg_28th-feb-2024_testng.rar |
5.07 kB |
2024-02-28 |
SG_28th-FEB-2024_testNG |
sg_27th-feb-2024_reflection, scripting4 & scripting5.rar |
30.30 kB |
2024-02-27 |
SG_27th-FEB-2024_Reflection, Scripting4 & Scripting5 |
sg_26th-feb-2024_reflection and scripting4.rar |
6.28 kB |
2024-02-26 |
SG_26th-FEB-2024_Reflection and Scripting4 |
sg_24th-feb-2024_scripting3_1 & scripting3_2.rar |
13.96 kB |
2024-02-24 |
SG_24th-FEB-2024_Scripting3_1 & Scripting3_2 |
sg_23rd-feb-2024_scripting2 & scripting3.rar |
4.72 kB |
2024-02-23 |
SG_23rd-FEB-2024_Scripting2 & Scripting3 |
sg_22nd-feb-2024_handling window components using robot and scripting1.rar |
4.59 kB |
2024-02-22 |
SG_22nd-FEB-2024_Handling Window Components using Robot and Scripting1 |
sg_21st-feb-2024_handling window components using autoit & sikuli.rar |
4.54 kB |
2024-02-21 |
SG_21st-FEB-2024_Handling Window Components using AutoIT & Sikuli |
sg_19th-feb-2024_handle frames and window components.rar |
4.83 kB |
2024-02-19 |
SG_19th-FEB-2024_Handle frames and Window components |
sg_16th-feb-2024_handle alerts and child windows.rar |
6.17 kB |
2024-02-16 |
SG_16th-FEB-2024_Handle Alerts and Child windows |
sg_15th-feb-2024_locators.rar |
3.12 kB |
2024-02-15 |
SG_15th-FEB-2024_Locators |
sg_14th-feb-2024_locators.rar |
1.17 kB |
2024-02-14 |
SG_14th-FEB-2024_Locators |
sg_12th-feb-2024_locators.rar |
5.85 kB |
2024-02-12 |
SG_12th-FEB-2024_Locators |
sg_10th-feb-2024_html pages.rar |
7.64 kB |
2024-02-10 |
SG_10th-FEB-2024_html pages |
sg_09th-feb-2024_html pages.rar |
933.00 B |
2024-02-09 |
SG_09th-FEB-2024_html pages |
sg_08th-feb-2024_automated sample test case with different browser.rar |
3.70 kB |
2024-02-08 |
SG_08th-FEB-2024_Automated sample Test Case with Different browser |
sg_06th-feb-2024_jdbc_selenium webdriver setup.rar |
415.83 kB |
2024-02-06 |
SG_06th-FEB-2024_JDBC_Selenium Webdriver Setup |
sg_05th-feb-2024_poi_jdbc.rar |
5.35 kB |
2024-02-05 |
SG_05th-FEB-2024_POI_JDBC |
sg_03rd-feb-2024_regexp_threads_poi.rar |
12.47 kB |
2024-02-03 |
SG_03rd-FEB-2024_RegExp_Threads_POI |
sg_02nd-feb-2024_prop file operations_access modifers_singleton_datetime_stringandstreamtokenizer.rar |
7.27 kB |
2024-02-02 |
SG_02nd-FEB-2024_Prop File Operations_Access Modifers_SingleTon_DateTime_StringAndStreamTokenizer |
sg_01st-feb-2024_map interface and legacy classes.rar |
1.63 MB |
2024-02-01 |
SG_01st-FEB-2024_Map Interface and Legacy Classes |
sg_31st-jan-2024_list and set interface.rar |
4.34 kB |
2024-01-31 |
SG_31st-JAN-2024_List and Set Interface |
sg_29th-jan-2024_string classes & list interface.rar |
6.22 kB |
2024-01-29 |
SG_29th-JAN-2024_String Classes & List Interface |
sg_26th-jan-2024_string classes.rar |
4.07 kB |
2024-01-26 |
SG_26th-JAN-2024_String Classes |
sg_25th-jan-2024_stream classes and serialization.rar |
6.30 kB |
2024-01-25 |
SG_25th-JAN-2024_Stream Classes and Serialization |
sg_24th-jan-2024_file system.rar |
3.88 kB |
2024-01-24 |
SG_24th-JAN-2024_File System |
sg_20th-jan-2024_exception handling in java.rar |
56.78 kB |
2024-01-20 |
SG_20th-JAN-2024_Exception Handling in Java |
sg_19th-jan-2024_inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and abstraction.rar |
5.44 kB |
2024-01-19 |
SG_19th-JAN-2024_Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Abstraction |
sg_18th-jan-2024_inheritance at interface level.rar |
3.27 kB |
2024-01-18 |
SG_18th-JAN-2024_Inheritance at interface level |
sg_17th-jan-2024_inheritance at abstract class level.rar |
3.30 kB |
2024-01-17 |
SG_17th-JAN-2024_Inheritance at abstract class level |
sg_16th-jan-2024_super keyword_inheritance.rar |
4.94 kB |
2024-01-16 |
SG_16th-JAN-2024_Super Keyword_Inheritance |
sg_13th-jan-2024_this keyword_nestedclass_inheritance.rar |
4.44 kB |
2024-01-13 |
SG_13th-JAN-2024_This Keyword_NestedClass_Inheritance |
sg_12th-jan-2024_class members and debug in eclipse.rar |
5.43 kB |
2024-01-12 |
SG_12th-JAN-2024_Class Members and Debug in Eclipse |
sg_11th-jan-2024_instance methods.rar |
1.46 kB |
2024-01-11 |
SG_11th-JAN-2024_Instance methods |
sg_10th-jan-2024_instance methods.rar |
2.00 kB |
2024-01-10 |
SG_10th-JAN-2024_Instance methods |
sg_09th-jan-2024_instance class members.rar |
4.46 kB |
2024-01-09 |
SG_09th-JAN-2024_Instance class members |
sg_08th-jan-2024_array in java and class in java.rar |
3.88 kB |
2024-01-08 |
SG_08th-JAN-2024_Array in java and Class in Java |
sg_06th-jan-2024_array in java.rar |
3.08 kB |
2024-01-06 |
SG_06th-JAN-2024_Array in java |
sg_05th-jan-2024_array in java.rar |
5.05 kB |
2024-01-05 |
SG_05th-JAN-2024_Array in java |
sg_03rd-jan-2024_looping statements & break continue.rar |
2.05 kB |
2024-01-03 |
SG_03rd-JAN-2024_Looping statements & break continue |
sg_02nd-jan-2024_looping statements.rar |
3.25 kB |
2024-01-02 |
SG_02nd-JAN-2024_Looping statements |
javascript_tutorial_22_dec_2023.rar |
1.39 kB |
2023-12-22 |
JavaScript Tutorial Evening offline Batch |
sg_15th-dec-2023_stlc_white box testing.rar |
81.88 kB |
2023-12-15 |
SG_15th-DEC-2023_STLC_White Box Testing |
css tutorial_13_december_2023.rar |
631.00 B |
2023-12-13 |
CSS Titorial Evening Offline Batch |
sg_12th-dec-2023_rtm_defects in software.rar |
77.79 kB |
2023-12-12 |
SG_12th-DEC-2023_RTM_Defects in Software |
sg_11th-dec-2023_test strategy_rtm.rar |
28.69 kB |
2023-12-11 |
SG_11th-DEC-2023_Test Strategy_RTM |
sg_07th-dec-2023_test cases.rar |
23.47 kB |
2023-12-07 |
SG_07th-DEC-2023_Test cases |
sg_06th-dec-2023_test plan.rar |
21.30 kB |
2023-12-06 |
SG_06th-DEC-2023_Test Plan |
sg_05th-dec-2023_recovery_reliability_penitration_failover_security testings.rar |
32.48 kB |
2023-12-05 |
SG_05th-DEC-2023_Recovery_Reliability_Penitration_FailOver_Security Testings |